Rock climbing was an everyday activity for ancient people. Today it is part of recreational activities and even played as a sport in the Olympics. It was in the late 19th century when rock climbing became a recreational activity for modern people. New technology helped humans achieve it and make it part of the modern world.
Today there are many rock climbing enthusiasts. There are clubs and events in cities across the globe offering rock climbing chances. There are sportspersons passionate about rock climbing so much they take it up as their careers, practicing really hard the whole year to participate in prestigious sports competitions. Adding to that, there are even helpful guides available on the web that teach you ways to build your grip strength for rock climbing.
The advancing indoor climbing gym industry has added to more and more people exploring this sport. Various climbers and explorers all across the world travel to places to pursue their passion of rock climbing. With new and advanced ropes, equipment and bouldering pads getting launched the rock climbing sport is picking momentum.
The discipline of sport climbing has been created by combining hang dogging and bolt equipped climbs. The routes of climbing for the physical challenge have been engineered with ‘In situ Climbing Protection’.
The environment of rock climbing now is different from traditional climbing as the climbers are not climbing alone, without protection or making their own protection gear. Today sport climbing is advanced with well researched gears and a team specializing in training and protecting the rock climbers.
Sport climbing is now complete with experimental climbers, new well researched techniques and trainers. The sequences are rehearsed again and again so that the climber gets a grip over the techniques and efficiency increases.