England – The government of England has ordered, the schools here will have to be accountable for the students they had excluded. It has been reported that the schools in England are misusing their power of student exclusion, and so the youngsters are suffering a lot.
Educational secretary of England, Mr. Damian Hinds, approved a report on inappropriate use of exclusion power. According to the report, it is mandatory to include exam result of excluded students in school league table rankings.
Many cases came forward earlier in which some students were excluded from different schools due to their low achieving mind or any other unrealistic reason.
In some cases, the schools in England have barred the children who belong to different races. In recent cases, Black Caribbean students are most excluded than the White British students. But the students who belong to Asia have a lower rate of exclusion than the others.
According to a survey, the young accused of knife crime and drugs in England are below 20 years and maximum of them are excluded from their school. Some of them were excluded without any reason. And these numbers are rising since 2014.
Former Education minister of England, Mr. Timpson, said, “In terms of school, exclusion means – giving another chance for improvement. But the excluded student should be provided with alternative sources where they can study if they were removed from the mainstream school.”