Online business is the new trend. But to thrive, online companies need digital marketing experts. However, digital marketing experts are expensive, and not everyone can afford them, especially newly established companies.
That’s why Jakob Hager has found a solution. He has created a Campaign Manager online education program. This program will educate people and help them run their online businesses. With the education program, students can quickly learn to manage Facebook, Instagram, Google, and many other digital marketing campaigns.
The Campaign Manager has been launched by Jakob and is becoming increasingly popular among the people. It is available to German people living in the areas, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. However, he is also planning to release the program in English.
Jakob Hager knows how to ramp up business because he owns two software companies, Mentortools, and Master pages. Moreover, he is an online marketing expert, software entrepreneur, and book author. His books are a guide that helps German businesspeople attract customers in the digital world.
His books have received immense popularity and have done great in sales. Jakob wants to make digital marketing accessible to the smallest of online businesses. His course will help many across the world learn the trick to succeeding in online business.
Jakob Hager is originally from Vienna, Australia. But he is currently settled in Dubai since the year 2017. He is a man of many places and has spent some time in San Francisco as well. Jakob’s Campaign Manager is a detailed guide to online marketing, and it is going to help not only Germans but many across the world.
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