95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error. Every business needs to make sure there is no user-related data breach. It is thus important to demonstrate regulatory compliance making it necessary for the human risk management program to have a security awareness training to educate end-users on modern tech security practices. Below are most relevant cyber security awareness training topics,
Phishing attacks, the most effective avenues of attack for cyber criminals have doubled in our times and steadily increasing every year as due in the corona times work from home and remote work has increased which is making business holders ensure the employees don’t fall victim. You can visit this website to know more about this kind of attack and how you can make sure you are safe from the same.
Removable Media Devices
Company employees daily use the removable media, the portable storage medium to copy data to the device. The removable media is used in multiple devices and if any of the devices contains malware then the end-users have to go through the wrath of virus attacks.
Passwords Security
Most overlooked element to help a company’s security is password security. The cyber attackers guess the simple passwords or recognisable password patterns to gain access to employee’s accounts.
Physical Documents
Some employees leave their passwords on sticky notes on their desk; these make attacks more likely. It is important to keep sensitive physical documents secured in a secure system.
Mobile Device Security
Mobiles are now being used to connect even in official spaces. The devices have become sophisticated and thus the connectivity has increased with people taking official meetings through mobiles, accessing important documents and mails through the same. The IT technologies have changed leading to more sophisticated security attacks. There is an increased risk of security breaches.