We have searched out new music releases that show off the best music video edits, SFX, VFX, and transition effects. Check out Tribune Byte’s top choices below! vvv
1. Young Thug & Gunna “Ski”
Watch the video here > https://youtu.be/Sevhj75lj80
This new video premiered on April 16 and is at the top of our list for excellent camera motion, fluent transitions, and special effects that distort depth & perception.
Director: Omar Jones
Producers: Angel J Rosa & Mark Schroeder
Company: AJR Films
Video Commissioner: Lucas Prevost
2. SinoSeeNobody “Never Say Too Much”
Watch the video here > https://youtu.be/04Mmm4NyLZQ
This video’s animated transitions, backgrounds and overlays have placed it on this list of new releases with the best effects. The song is catchy and instantly sticks in your head. The visuals are excellent!
Shot By ACPVisuals
VFX By Sabermonk
3. Only the Family and Lil Durk “Hellcats and Trackhawks”
Watch the video here > https://youtu.be/hCg9TCMnHyE
This video just go crazy period. Drifting Hellcats and Trackhawks slide into perfect transitions of jewelery ice, and flexing performance scenes.
Shot By @Jerryphd