Taxi Industry of New York, which is helping other industries to grow through its services, now will be more secure and financially stable. This month, the top officials of New York City decided to give extra financial support to taxi drivers. The decision will help to raise the economy of the city by strengthening the backbone.
The member of New York city council passed a series of bills to give medallions driving permit to the cab drivers. The medallions driving permit allows drivers to purchase their yellow cab instead of driving someone else’s. Ted Landsmark, who is a Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern, call this bill a lifeline for city taxi drivers.
Taxi Medallions route permit will not only empower the taxi drivers, but the bill will also be helpful to reduce the traffic in the city. Many people drive on the routes through private cars, but after getting the permit approval taxi drivers will be able to reduce the traffic by transporting passengers in the taxi. Manhattan to Woodbury Common taxi route is one such busiest route because of which the taxi drivers will benefit a lot.
Landmark Said, “provide some support for taxi drivers who provide services at times of the day when many other people don’t want to work, Without taxi drivers, the people who work at major airports in the wee hours of the morning, or the people who just spent an evening in a local club, or the people who work the graveyard shift at a manufacturing plant wouldn’t be able to get where they’re going and back.”