“I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”
– Steve Jobs
Indeed, a story lies behind all great businesses. Only a well-developed narrative connects entrepreneurs with their customers and enables them to bring a business to life. Narratives are essential for businesses and are also vital aspects of human lives. They help people make sense of the world around them. All successful businesses have a story, but what truly matters is how entrepreneurs tell the story. Before anything comes into being, be it offices, investors, the staff, or even the product, all great businesses have their own story to tell. However, what sets the best businesses apart is not the greatness of their stories but how they narrate them. Karina Nagi, the founder of ChannelSearch, has a great story to tell through her business, and she has done so in the most exceptional of ways.
The Story Behind a Business
Founded in 2020, ChannelSearch is an internationally recognized channel guide in the United States that serves around 195 countries worldwide. ChannelSerach is a channels posting site and belongs to the marketing industry. Nagi started ChannelSearch because she felt as if there was a need to have an easy to connect, easy to find, and affordable channel search site.
Nagi’s priority has always been to make a colorful and easy-to-navigate site. From the beginning, she has been a visual learner who has always had problems with sites that have been difficult to read and navigate, and so this is her story behind the creation of ChannelSearch. Nagi always wanted a site where people could easily find channels. Being a mother and someone who speaks multiple languages, for Nagi, it has always been challenging to find new kids’ videos, and that too, in other languages. Even though YouTube has plenty of such videos, it is still extremely difficult to find new channels and even more challenging to have them ordered according to the language, country, and category. She understands that there are great artists and video creators and that all that is needed is to bring them out of the shadows.
What Makes Businesses Successful
Numerous things make businesses successful, customer service and customer experience being two crucial aspects of a business’s success. All great businesses create services and products that customers want. ChannelSearch is a successful business because it has focused on both these aspects.
The company has ensured that when customers look for a new kid’s channel, their experience is easy, free, and efficient. The company ensures that it has everything people are looking for, from better news media to a new kid’s channel or even a new comedy group.
The most interesting aspect of ChannelSearch probably is that it is Ads-Free. Nagi has ensured that her site is free of advertisements, ensuring a great customer experience. Apart from all these aspects, ChannelSearch is a company that deeply cares about connecting people worldwide, from large channels to newbies.
ChannelSearch is a site that aims to stand out from the crowd in an easy-to-navigate, easy-to-read, and simple website. The unique thing about ChannelSearch is that it is global, so people can use it to connect no matter where they are. The company’s core mission is to help people connect. It wants to bring the world together and help spread harmony and peace, making the world a more accessible, better, and economical place to live.
Milestones in Businesses
Milestones are a great way to track the progress and growth of businesses, helping them implement their plans as well. Company milestones are the significant moments of achievements that mark its growth and development. ChannelSearch has also achieved a few milestones so far. For instance, its channels are still growing despite being a new company. The company has over 300 channels and is also expected to grow to over 1,000 channels by the end of the year. These milestones are proof of all the hard work the company has done to market its channels. It already spends thousands on YouTube and Google advertising to help its channels grow and get more viewers. ChannelSearch has made it easy to find undiscoverable and new channels from a viewer’s perspective. Today, channel creators can list their Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, QQ, Instagram, even other channels directly through ChannelSearch.com, connecting creators with potential audiences.